Interfaith Story Circle

The Seeds and Fruits of Interfaith Work, November 18, 2021 7:00 – 8:45 p.m.

Please join us for our monthly Zoom meeting.

The Abrahamic family crystallized mainly into three religious communities — Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Our annual Tent of Abraham series began in 2006 when we celebrated the confluence of our holy days with stories from our faith traditions.

Now, in our 16th year of coming together, our guest tellers are one of the authors of and a contributor to the book that inspired this series, and two long-time local interfaith activists to share with us the seeds and fruits of their interfaith work:

  • Rabbi Arthur Waskow is the founder (1983) and director of The Shalom Center, a prophetic voice in the Jewish, multireligious, and American worlds for eco-social justice, peace, and healing of our wounded Earth. He has written 27 books from the original Freedom Seder to Dancing in God’s Earthquake and has been arrested 26 times in protests against racism, wars, antisemitism, and inaction toward the climate crisis.
  • Rabbi Phyllis Berman founded and directed the Riverside Language Program in NYC, directed the summer program at Elat Chayyim, facilitated the Tent of Abraham, Hagar, and Sara annual retreats, and more recently the 50th Anniversary of The Freedom Seder at Masjidullah, an African American mosque in Philadelphia. She also is a partner, friend, grandma, mother, spiritual companion, swimmer, baker, and meditator.
  • Father Chris DeGiovine, a Roman Catholic priest for 45 years, spent 25 years of that ministry as Dean of Spiritual Life at The College of Saint Rose in Albany. During his time there, he founded and directed the Sidney and Beatrice Albert Inter-Faith Lectureship program designed to encourage understanding and dialogue among people of different religious backgrounds and faiths.
  • Mussarat Chaudhry is a physician, a member of the Islamic Center of the Capital District and among the Muslim pioneers in the regional interfaith world. Her contributions over more than 30 years have included service on the boards of the Sidney and Beatrice Albert Inter-Faith Lectureship Series, the Interfaith Alliance of NYS, and the Interfaith Story Circle, where she was a founder of our Tent of Abraham program.

Come share your stories related to the theme, or just come to listen. 

Either way, you will be warmly welcomed.

Free and Open to the Public

For more information or to register and receive a Zoom link to join our circle, email


We’d love to have you host!

If your religious or cultural community is interested in hosting one of our gatherings, please contact us at .