Please join us for our monthly Zoom meeting.
No one likes being embarrassed, but this occasional feeling is part of the cost of admission to being human. And sharing a story of your embarrassment may also be the fastest route to making a connection with another person, since embarrassing moments are touchstones of humility for us all. Join us for a down-to-earth evening of laughter and commiseration about those moments we ordinarily might rather forget.
Our guest teller, Father Scott VanDerveer, spent 20 years discerning what God was calling him to do with his life and had a number of jobs (corporate regional manager, grant writer for a hospice home, school bus driver) followed by a seven-year career in teaching before he was ordained a Catholic Priest in 2013 at age 38. Fr. Scott is now the pastor of St. Mary’s in Coxsackie and St. Patrick’s in Ravena and loves using storytelling as a bridge connecting ancient wisdom to modern life.
Come share your stories related to the theme, or just come to listen.
Either way, you will be warmly welcomed.
Free and Open to the Public
For more information or to register and receive a Zoom link to join our circle, email