Interfaith Story Circle

Ruah: Breath, Wind, Spirit

Thursday, Oct. 24, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

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Breath, wind and spirit are around us and within us, and sometimes they manifest in unexplainable ways. How many of us have had an experience of being touched by a loved one who has passed away? This experience can take many forms: a human shape, an animal, a flower, or a cool breeze, or a familiar fragrance. Sometimes we ourselves keep our loved one’s spirit alive by honoring them with treasured rituals and stories of their time among us.

Our Guest Tellers Mary Murphy and Barbara Palumbo are both members of the Roman Catholic Community at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. In addition to telling stories, Mary is a writer who recently edited I Remember: Stories from an Easton Library Memoir Project. She was a coach in the Children at the Well program for nine years. Barbara uses folktales and myths as a way to communicate the commonality of human experiences to audiences ranging from students to seniors.

Come share your stories related to the theme or just come to listen. Either way, you will be warmly welcomed.

Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Chapel
900 Madison Avenue, Albany, NY 12208

(Park in the lot next to the Church and enter from the lot using either the stairs to the entrance marked “Access to Parish Office and Chapel”, or the ground level disability entrance and taking the elevator to M level)

Free and Open to the Public

For further information, please contact Gert Johnson, 518-374-0637,

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