Story Circle
Please feel free to bring a friend, or join us and make a new one!
The Interfaith Story Circle began in 1993 and has continued to offer informal and open monthly story circles, normally hosted by a new Capital Region religious or culturally based community each time. During the current pandemic we have been hosting bi-monthly circles on Zoom. Our guest tellers and listeners are drawn from diverse areas of our country and beyond.
There is always a theme to the evening with a guest storyteller to introduce the theme and lead off for the first half hour or so. Then, everyone is invited to tell. Stories can be traditional, personal, rehearsed or spontaneously told. Often people find themselves telling from the heart, for our circles are focused on sharing rather than performing. We are always seeking new individuals and groups with whom we can share.
If you would like to learn about our current project of transitioning and creating a new national and international Interfaith Network in partnership with The Dutchess County (NY) Interfaith Council’s Story Circle and with ASST (Artists Standing Strong Together) please click here for our proposed Network Vision statement and an invitation to join us for a conversation on January 23, 2023.
Interfaith Story Circle is a free "come when you can" opportunity.

Interfaith Story Circle is a free “come when you can” opportunity. Come to tell (or to listen) and to make contact with others who believe in the moral, spiritual and healing power of story. Our meeting schedule can be found here. We hope to see you at one of our circles soon!
We’d love to have you join us!
If you are interested in being part of our effort to create an Interfaith Network, please contact founder Gert Johnson at GRSJohnson (at)